Book Series I Want to Finish in 2024

Hey, everyone! I recently counted all of my unread books and noticed I had a lot of unfinished series despite them being completed. I own all of the books but for some reason I’ve only read the first one or two books. So my plan for this year is to finish as many of these as possible! Let’s get into it:

The Atlas by Olivie Blake

Normally I would have read The Atlas Complex as soon as my copy was delivered, but I’ve seen mixed reviews about it. I’ve seen people describe the ending as messy and disappointing, which makes me so nervous. I’ve already read the first two books though so I should definitely try to read the last one. Maybe I should go into it with low expectations though.

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Book series I’m giving up on

Hey guys! Today I’m going to be sharing with you some book series that I have decided not to finish. I recently went through my shelves and I noticed quite a lot of series that I don’t want to continue with mainly because I’ve lost interest in them or I just didn’t enjoy the first book. So let’s get into it!

Ninth House (Alex Stern) by Leigh Bardugo: I originally said that I was going to continue with this series; however, I’ve completely lost interest in it now. I read it in 2020 and the second book isn’t out until 2023. I can’t remember what happened so I’d have to read the first book again and I honestly don’t want to. I didn’t particularly enjoy it as all the worldbuilding was crammed into the first half of the story, which made it really boring and difficult to get through. I didn’t like Alex either and I’m just not interested in reading more about her.

Roar by Cora Carmack: I read this in 2018 and I really enjoyed it and wanted to continue with this series. However, there’s been no information about the third book or when it will be published and it’s another one that I’ve unfortunately lost interest in now. With so many series being published each year, I’m not going to wait three or four years for one to be finished. I’d rather just give up on it and move on to something else. It’s a shame because I did really enjoy this one but since I don’t know if or when the third book will be published, it’s time to move on.

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Book Series I Want to Finish in 2021

Hey guys! Today I am going to share with you the series that I’m currently in the middle of and want to finish in 2021. I’m basically showing you how terrible I am at keeping up with series. For some reason, I can’t binge-read an entire series because I get bored of the same characters and the story. I have no idea if anyone else can relate to this but it’s really unhelpful when it comes to keeping up with series because I tend to get halfway and then stop to pick up something else. That has resulted in me being in the middle of so many series and I’ve cherry-picked the ones I want to finish this year. Without further ado, here they are!

Grace & Fury by Tracy Banghart: I read this book in 2018 just before it came out and I absolutely loved it. I rated it five stars and I was so excited for the sequel but then when that came out in 2019 I didn’t pick it up! I have no idea why! I haven’t read any reviews for it so I have no idea if people thought it was good or bad. It’s on my shelf waiting to be read, but for some reason I keep avoiding picking it up. I definitely want to go back and reread the first book before picking up Queen of Ruin – I just need to be in the mood for it, I think? If you’ve read the sequel and loved it, please let me know!

An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir: I love this series so much and have every intention of finishing it next month as the final book in the series was released in December. I’m definitely nervous though because I didn’t enjoy A Reaper at the Gates as much as I did the first two and I don’t want this amazing series to be ruined with the last book. I will be finishing it though!

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REVIEW: House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas (Crescent City #1)

House of Earth and BloodTitle: House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas
Pages: 803
Published by: Bloomsbury Publishing
Publication date: 3rd March 2020
Genre: Fantasy
Format: Hardback
Amazon UK – Waterstones


Bound by blood.
Tempted by desire.
Unleashed by destiny.

Bryce Quinlan used to light up Crescent City, partying all night in the clubs where the strict classes of angel, shifter, human and Fan merge into a sea of beautiful bodies.

And then a demon murdered her closest friends.

Two years later, when the supposed killer is behind bars but the crimes start up again, the city’s leaders command Bryce to help investigate. They assign an enslaved fallen angel, Hunt Athalar, to make sure she does. But as Bryce fights to uncover the truth – and resist her attraction to the brooding angel who shadows her every step – she finds herself following a trail that leads deep into her own dark past.

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Books I Want to Read While Working From Home

Hey guys! I hope you’re all well and safe! I am working from home now for the foreseeable future and since I’m going to be spending a lot more time at home, I thought I would try and find something good in this scary situation: reading! I have a lot of heavy hardbacks that are difficult to carry to and from work and while I’m not going to be travelling anywhere anytime soon, I thought I could actually read all these massive books! Here’s what I’d like to read in the coming weeks:

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor: I got these books as soon as they were published but I have struggled to find time to read them because they’re so heavy and thick! I’ve heard lots of great things about the first book, not so much the second one though so this should be interesting. I’ve not read any of Laini’s books before but I’ve heard that her writing is very whimsical and poetic. I don’t know too much about these. I believe the first one is about Lazlo Strange who is a dreamer and is obsessed with the lost city of Weep. Fingers crossed I fall in love with Laini’s writing!

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Five Book Series I Want to Finish in 2020

Hey guys! One of my 2020 reading resolutions was to finish series I’m in the middle of and so today I thought I would pick out my top five series that I’m determined to finish this year. So without further ado, lets get into it!

The Nevernight Chronicle by Jay Kristoff

I feel like I don’t have any excuse for not finishing this series. Despite having a rocky start with Nevernight, I ended up loving it and thought it was one of the darkest and most interesting stories I’ve come across. I really love how this series is completely driven by the need for revenge and that the main character, Mia Corvere, is in no way, shape or form a good character. I’m terrified of how it will end though as I’ve seen many shocked reactions but at the same time I’m kind of looking forward to it?

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5 Book Series I Really Want to Read

Hey guys! Recently there are so many series coming out and it’s hard to keep on top of them all. There are some I’m currently reading, have just recently completed and ones that I really want to read but don’t have time for. Here are five series I’ve been dying to read:

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer 

I have been seeing these books everywhere, pretty much all over Instagram and the covers are so beautiful. They look really different to what I normally read and look like they have quite a unique story. I’m itching to just go out and buy them all but I’m trying to hold off because my TBR is painfully big right now.

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