Book Haul #2

Hey guys! Today I am bringing you my second book haul of the year. It’s been ages since I posted my last one, maybe March? Crazy how that time has flown! Back then I was doing the read three books buy one challenge and incase you are wondering, I’ve stopped doing that now simply because I can’t be bothered keeping track anymore. I think I got halfway through the year and then just stopped, whoops!

Anyway, here are books I’ve purchased lately and a lot of these I bought because they’re by my favourite authors or I just really liked their previous books! Here’s what I got:

Finale by Stephanie Garber: I’m late talking about this because I already read it (finally!). It was so good and such an awesome end to such a beautiful series. Stephanie’s writing is seriously magical and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.

Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff: I’ve been waiting two freaking years for this book and it’s finally here! I have completely forgot what happened in Nevernight so I will be starting the whole trilogy from scratch. Also how beautiful is this cover? So nice!

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo: I’ve only read Leigh Bardugo’s Grisha trilogy so far but I was really intrigued by her writing an adult book and I knew I had to get this. I’ve heard it’s really dark and has some pretty graphic/disturbing scenes so my interested radar is through the roof. I’m not sure if I will like it because this isn’t really my thing but I’d like to at least give it a try!

Killfile by Christoper Farnsworth: The reason I got this one because I was really intrigued by the synopsis. The main character, John Smith, is a hitman but with a twist… he can read minds and alter the course of events. Pretty interesting, right? He’s hired by a billionaire to take down his biggest rival but things end up going pretty south and John has to retreat before he ends up dead.

The Caller by Chris Carter: I’ve heard so many great things about Chris Carter’s writing and his Robert Hunter series so I really want to try one of his books. This is the eighth book in the series but can be read as a standalone. This is another thriller that has a serial killer who uses social media to chose his victims. I really like books that play on social media like that, they’re so creepy!

 Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough: I got this because it was one of the most popular books of 2017 when it was published and everyone went mad over that ending. So of course I had to see what all the fuss was about!

The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware: One of my most anticipated books of the year! I’ve read every single one of Ruth Ware’s books so of course I had to get this one. It is about a nanny who takes on a dream job but then a child under her care ends up dead and she’s the number one suspect. Her dream job just became her worst nightmare. Ruth’s books are going from strength to strength!

I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh: I thoroughly enjoyed Clare’s book Let Me Lie but I heard her others were better, so when I saw this in a charity shop I immediately bought it. Just from reading the synopsis I knew it was going to be a sad read but I wasn’t prepared for how truly shocking it was!

Someone We Know by Shari Lapena: I’m a huge fan of Shari Lapena’s books so of course I had to buy her latest one. Going off the synopsis, it’s another typical crime thriller about neighbour’s having secrets and how well you really know them, etc. Close-knit neighbours are not so close after all!

The Holiday by T.M. Logan: Another one of my favourite crime thriller writers! This is only his third book but I was a huge fan of his first two – 29 Seconds and Lies. His latest one is about three families who go on holiday together but disaster strikes when Kate suspects her husband is having an affair with one of her best friends. Everything goes from bad to worse and one of them actually ends up dead. But was it an accident? Or is there a killer amongst them? Very intriguing!

No One Home by Tim Weaver: I had to buy this because it’s the latest book in Tim Weaver’s David Raker series and I am addicted. Plus this might make a good Halloween read because a village of people all go missing on Halloween and David his hired to investigate their disappearance. Is he looking for nine missing people or nine dead bodies? This sounds awesome!

Truthwitch by Susan Dennard: So after randomly owning the UK hardback of Windwitch (I have no idea why) and being on the hunt for the matching cover of Truthwitch, I finally found someone selling it after very nearly giving up. I like having matching series and it would have irritated me having the first book in paperback with a completely different cover but the second book in hardback!

This Savage Song; Our Dark Duet & The Dark Vault by V.E. Schwab: V.E. Schwab is a fantastic author and I really wanted to read this so I caved and bought all three at once! I’ve read the first two but haven’t read Our Dark Vault yet but when I do I’ll be sure to share my thoughts!

So these are books I have purchased recently! Have you read any of these? What books have you bought recently? Feel free to leave a comment below! I hope you enjoyed this post and thank you so much for reading!

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