Books I Read in High School!

Hey guys! Since it was recently World Book Day (yay!), I thought it would be fun to look back on some of my favourite books I read in high school! It will be interesting to see how I progressed from children’s books to young adult books! You can see as the list goes on how the covers go from being really light and girly to being dark and filled to the brim with fantasy!

1) Jacqueline Wilson books

I first started reading Jacqueline Wilson’s books in primary school and carried on when I started Year 7! It was absolute heaven seeing all her books in stock in the school library! I’d grab one of a shelf and spend my lunch hour just getting lost in her books! It was very sad reaching that point where I no longer had the same interest or enthusiasm for her books but I would love to thank her for all the wonderful stories she wrote! I think I stopped reading them in Year 8 but I’m not too sure. It was so hard to pick which ones to include in this post because I love so many of them!

2) Cathy Cassidy books

I was obsessed with Cathy Cassidy’s books because they were really similar to Jacqueline Wilson’s books! These were my two favourite children’s authors I just adored their books! Probably stopped reading her books around the same time as Jacqueline Wilson’s. I didn’t read nearly as many of her books but I still absolutely loved the ones I did read. Even now I can clearly remember her stories and her characters which just goes to show what an amazing author she is.

3) Alex Rider by Anthony Horowitz

In Year 8 English class one of the books we read was Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz and I bloody loved this book! This is such an awesome book to read in your English class, seriously! Reading about a teenager who is recruited as a spy for MI6 and imaging all the awesome gadgets he is given… oh yes, this is the kind of book that anyone would love to read in school. As soon as we finished this book I immediately rushed to the library and picked up the second book… and the third… and the fourth… and so on. I was completely hooked on this series and every library lesson we had I’d just carry on reading this series. This series probably really kicked off my love for YA books and helped me to say goodbye to children’s books.

4) Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

And so we begin Year 9 when my friends introduced me to the Twilight books! I was absolutely mesmerised by these books, I loved them so freaking much! I still do actually and even though I didn’t like Stephenie’s most recent book I still owe so much to her for her Twilight books because she really ignited my love for fantasy books and introduced me to a whole new world! After I finished these books I found so many other great fantasy/paranormal books that I loved just as much as Twilight! I also started watching The Vampire Diaries and finding out I wasn’t the only one obsessed with vampires was amazing!

5) Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

After my obsession with vampires was fizzling out my newest one was with fallen angels! Oh, wow did I love fallen angel books… so much! When I was in Year 10 my friend introduced me to the Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick and my mind was blown! I was so shocked I hadn’t heard of these books before but I thought they were absolutely amazing. I devoured them in no time and as soon as I turned the page of the last book I went right back to the first book and re-read the entire series again! That’s how good it was to me! I was in love with the idea of fallen angels, it was so fascinating to me! I thought it was such a unique idea to write about and after I finished this I went out and found more books about angels.

I read a ton of books in high school but these were the ones that stood out most for me! I would freaking love to know if any of you guys reading this read Jacqueline Wilson or Cathy Cassidy books and what some of your favourites were because it’s so hard to decide! I’m so glad I grew up with Jacqueline Wilson’s books because she just made me absolutely adore reading! I hope you guys enjoyed this post and thank you so much for reading!

4 thoughts on “Books I Read in High School!

  1. Rine says:

    I loved Jacqueline Wilson, I remember reading so many of her books, I recently found My Sister Jodie in my cupboard when I was moving out from home. Was probably the author that got me into reading.

    • Beth says:

      She is definitely one of the best children’s authors! My room was completely full with her books 😂 I remember reading that! I cried so much when I read it, it was so sad!

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